Research: Software, Tools, & Data Product Survive the Century Online Game Sam Beckbessinger Christopher Trisos Simon Nicholson
Research: Software, Tools, & Data Product reblake/insectcleanr: Initial release (Version 0.1). Rachael E. Blake Rebecca Turner
Research: Software, Tools, & Data Product Code for: "County-level analysis reveals a rapidly shifting landscape of insecticide hazard to honey bees (Apis mellifera) on US farmland." Maggie Douglas Doug Sponsler Eric Lonsdorf et al.
Research: Software, Tools, & Data Product Neighborhood Socioeconomic and demographic changes in Baltimore's (BES) Neighborhoods: 1930 to 2010 Dexter H. Locke
Research: Software, Tools, & Data Product Our changing Chesapeake: Adapting agricultural lands to sea level rise and saltwater intrusion Danielle Weissman Keryn Gedan Kate Tully
Research: Software, Tools, & Data Product Beescape Christina Grozinger Heather Hines Harland Patch et al.
Research: Software, Tools, & Data Product rslurm package Philippe Marchand Mike Smorul Rachael E. Blake et al.