Resource: Explainer Linking Measures: The Handshake Between Natural and Social Science Analysis James Boyd
Resource: Learning Materials Economic Paradigms and Public Goods: Self-Interest, Rationality, and Maximization James Boyd
Research: Publication Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic Article published in Science Sarah C. Davidson Gil Bohrer Eliezer Gurarie et al. November 01, 2020
Research: Publication So you want your research to be relevant? Building the bridge between ecosystem services research and practice Article published in Ecosystem Services Lydia Olander Stephen Polasky James S. Kagan et al. August 01, 2017
Research: Publication Benefit relevant indicators: Ecosystem services measures that link ecological and social outcomes Article published in Ecological Indicators Lydia P. Olander Robert J. Johnston Heather Tallis et al. February 01, 2018
Event: Workshop Immersion Workshop: Facilitation, Meeting Design, Synthesis Opportunities Wednesday, September 16, 2020 Thursday, September 17, 2020 Jonathan G. Kramer James Boyd