Dr. Emily Minor is a Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Illinois Chicago. Emily has a wide range of interests related to how humans alter landscapes and ecological communities within them. Emily uses a combination of field studies, social surveys, GIS, and computer modeling in her research. Recent projects include examining the provision of ecosystem services to urban residents and studying plant, bird, and bee communities in residential neighborhoods. Emily has a growing interest in the socio-ecological dynamics of residential and community gardens, as well as applying graph theory (or network analysis) to a number of different socio-ecological problems, including landscape connectivity, mutualistic (e.g., plant-pollinator) networks, and social networks. Emily focuses most of her research efforts with her students on the Chicago metropolitan area as they are particularly interested in finding ways to make cities good habitats for both humans and wildlife. Emily completed her PhD in Ecology at Duke University in 2006 and did her postdoctoral work at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Appalachian Laboratory. Emily Minor served on SESYNC’s Scientific Review Committee.
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