Monitoring Human-Nature Links

Full Title

Monitoring the direct links between ecosystem services and people


Well-designed monitoring systems are essential if we are to better understand and track changes in the connections between people and the environment. Current monitoring systems fail to do this adequately. This Pursuit focuses on advancing ecosystem services monitoring to better reflect vital connections at several levels. The project will utilize household surveys and censuses, in-situ observations, and national indicators as data sources. Close engagement with management and stakeholder communities will ensure that scientifically robust standards produced over the course of the project will lead to strengthened management of the interactions between humans and the environment.

Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Heather Tallis, The Nature Conservancy
Belinda Reyers, Natural Resources and the Environment, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Sandy Andelman, Conservation International
Patricia Balvanera Levy, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Madeleine Bottrill (McKinnon), Conservation International
Amanda Driver, South African Nat'l Biodiversity Institute
Daniel Karp, University of California, Davis
Steve Polasky, University of Minnesota
Belinda Reyers, Natural Resources and the Environment, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Odirilwe Selomane, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Heather Tallis, The Nature Conservancy
Matt Walpole, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Juan Pablo Castaneda, World Bank

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