SESYNC Welcomes Morgan Grove as Social Scientist in Residence

J. Morgan Grove, SESYNC's new Social Scientist in Residence

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) is pleased to welcome Dr. Morgan Grove as our new Social Scientist in Residence! 

Grove is a Research Forester at the United States Forest Service (USFS), Team Leader for the USFS’ Baltimore Forest Station, and Co-Principal Investigator of the Baltimore Ecosystem Study—one of only two urban Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network study sites. Grove was assigned to SESYNC by the USFS to co-lead the Socio-Environmental Immersion Program, as well as mentor incoming social scientist postdoctoral fellows. While at SESYNC, he hopes to also explore the key strategies and practices for producing interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science, as well as study the socio-environmental drivers and feedbacks of segregation in cities. “All of my training and work has been in socio-environmental research,” Grove said, “It’s exciting to be in a place where it’s the declared purpose.” 

Grove is appointed to SESYNC from now until August 2017. During this time, he also looks forward to honing his cycling skills and taking the scenic route on his commute from his home in Baltimore to SESYNC’s facilities in Annapolis, MD. 

Kate Weiss, SESYNC

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