
Measuring & Mapping Scientific Knowledge

As De Solla Price noted in 1965, scholarly literature forms a vast network - where the nodes are the millions of papers published in scholarly journals and the links are the hundreds of millions of citations connecting these papers. New approaches to measuring and mapping citation networks are improving our ability to identify influential articles, scholars, and institutions that have spurred new fields of research or bridged existing fields. These new data sets and technology can be used to inform policy and funding decisions (with all the necessary caveats) and have the potential for improving the way researchers communicate and navigate the scholarly literature. In this presentation, I will talk about the Eigenfactor Project and its contribution to this area of research.


A headshot of Jevin West

Jevin West

Dr. Jevin West is an Assistant Professor in the Information School, at the University of Washington. He studies the Science of Science and worries about the spread of misinformation. In particular, he is interested in the origin of scholarly disciplines and how sociological and economic factors drive and slow the evolution of science.

A headshot of Jevin West

Jevin West

Dr. Jevin West is an Assistant Professor in the Information School, at the University of Washington. He studies the Science of Science and worries about the spread of misinformation. In particular, he is interested in the origin of scholarly disciplines and how sociological and economic factors drive and slow the evolution of science.

Jevin West, University of Washington
12:30 p.m. ET
SESYNC – 1 Park Place, Suite 300, Annapolis, MD

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