Dr. Laura López-Hoffman is a professor in the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, and an associate research professor at the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy at the University of Arizona (UA). Laura is also an affiliated faculty member of UA’s James E. Rogers College of Law. The objective of Laura’s research is to contribute to the development of environmental policies and institutions that protect ecosystems and sustain human well-being. Using interdisciplinary and comparative research approaches to integrate natural science and policy, the other main facet of Laura’s research focuses on improving public participation and transparency in environmental decision making. More generally, Laura’s research group envisions a future with equitable governance systems that apply scientific knowledge to environmental challenges at multiple scales and across boundaries. As such, her team pursues solutions-oriented research that integrates diverse knowledge about causes, consequences, and uncertainties of environmental change with an understanding of the social and political context. Laura received her PhD from Stanford University. Laura served as a member of the SESYNC External Advisory Board.
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