Dr. Barry Gold is a conservation leader with the Walton Family Foundation. With over 30-years’ experience working to find solutions to challenging conservation issues in Africa, Latin America, and the United States, Barry has worked to benefit the environment and strengthen economies. Before joining the Walton Family Foundation, Barry served as director of Marine Conservation at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, where he led efforts to keep the world’s oceans healthy through approaches that take both environmental and community needs into account. This included work to shift fisheries management to an incentive-based system to help end overfishing, rebuild depleted stocks, and sustain fishing communities, as well as efforts to advance comprehensive approaches to ocean planning. Prior to joining the Moore Foundation, Barry managed the David and Lucile Packard Foundation’s work on ecosystem-based management and the linking of science to policy. Before joining the Packard Foundation, he was chief of the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, where he led an effort to restore the Colorado River ecosystem throughout the Grand Canyon. Barry has held senior positions with the U.S. Department of the Interior, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Committee on Science, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Barry served as a member of SESYNC’s External Advisory Board.