Co-Creative Capacity

Full Title

The development of co-creative capacity for addressing socio-environmental problems and beyond


The purpose of the proposed synthesis team will be to synthesize and integrate transdisciplinary knowledge and research to develop tools, methods, and practices for building co-creative capacity in service to the use of evidence in practice to achieve wide scale socio-environmental impacts. Co-creative capacity involves scientific resources, governance capability, and adaptive leadership at multiple and whole systems levels. Co-creative capacity will initially be defined as “the deep involvement of a range of key stakeholders across scientific, governance, and local practice boundaries to create the infrastructure and context that enables and sustains the use of evidence in practice” (Metz, 2014).

The synthesis team will address the following questions:

  • How can the active development of co-creative capacity contribute to increased role clarity and shared commitment among interconnected stakeholders linking science with practice, maximized synergies among complex and adaptive knowledge systems, and the optimization of evidence in local contexts for sustainable outcomes?
  • What are the strategies for enhancing co-creative capacity?
  • Can these strategies be converted into widely applicable tools, methods, and practices for enhancing research and action on socio-environmental challenges and across a range of disciplines?

The synthesis team will conduct three major activities:

  1. Examine current capacities and challenges in co-creation across a range of diverse case studies;
  2. Extrapolate major themes across case studies with particular emphasis universal and context-specific principles and strategies; and
  3. Develop tools and resources to support the development of co-creative capacity applicable to socio-environmental challenges and diverse disciplines.

The Theme Building Resources for Complex, Action-Oriented Team Science provides opportunities for the wider global community to interact with this Pursuit.


Project Type
Team Synthesis Project
Principal Investigators
Allison Metz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Deborah Ghate, The Colebrooke Centre
Jeff Foote, Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd.
Gerald Midgley, University of Hull
Douglas Easterling, Wake Forest University
Quassim Cassam, Warwick University
Annette Boaz, Kingston University & St. George's University
Kirsten Kainz, UNC-Chapel Hill
Katrin Prager, James Hutton Institute
Cristina Zurbriggen, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Hilary Bradbury, Oregon Health Science University
Lorrae Van Kerkhoff, Australian National University
Graeme Nicholas, Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd.
Mark Lubell, University of California, Davis
Arnim Wiek, Arizona State University
Glenn Roberts, Kings College